LGBTQ2+ Adoption in Canada
If you're an LGBTQ2+ Canadian considering adoption, you're part of a growing and vibrant community. Since 2005, when same-sex marriage became legal across the country, the number of LGBTQ2+ families in Canada has significantly increased. While the environment for LGBTQ2+ adoption has greatly evolved, there are still specific considerations and challenges you may encounter.
International Adoption
International adoption can be a costly and complex process. You will need to manage your local provincial requirements, as well as the requirements of the adoption authority of the country where the child lives.
Private Adoption
A private domestic adoption is an adoption that is facilitated by either a licensed private adoption agency or an individual.
Public Adoption
Public adoptions are adoptions of children in the permanent care of children’s aid societies, known as children in extended society care.
Adoption in Canada
Adoption is a legal process where a family permanently takes on the responsibility of raising a child or youth when they cannot remain with their birth parents.
Canadian Law for Family-Building
Understanding that federal and provincial laws may impact your family-building journey is important. We’ll cover the Assisted Human Reproduction Act, SC 2004, c.2, legal parentage, and surrogacy and donor agreements.